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Non-Discrimination Policy

Nondiscrimination Policy

We are committed to Mutual Respect and Inclusion

At the center of Rentalslew philosophy is a strong commitment to making those that share the same or similar healthcare background and those in the community better acquainted and diverse by providing a platform for the propagation of meaningful and value-adding experiences among people from every part of the United States of America.

Rentalslew is dedicated to fostering an all-embracing community where people from every background are always welcome and respected, irrespective of how far they are away from home. Our platform is built on the principle of mutual respect and inclusion between the travelers and the hosts. We believe these two principles are critical to making every member of the Rentalslew platform feel comfortable with each other irrespective of religion, political affiliations, love life, sexual inclination, marital status, nationality, or gender.

Rentalslew understands that housing laws in some parts require Travelers and hosts to abide by some rules. Rentalslew will provide information about such areas where outstanding regulations are enforced, and our nondiscrimination policy will be updated to reflect such changes.

Rentalslew has the mandate to support a harmonious relationship among every member of our community to increase understanding, tolerance, and empathy across every social and cultural divide. We have a mission to build a platform devoid of discrimination, intolerance, and unlawful bias. This is why Rentalslew employees, Travelers, and Hosts are urged to read and act according to the provisions of the policy below to ensure that every member of the community feels welcome in any part of the USA.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect marks all our interactions and encounters. At Rentalslew , we appreciate the diversity of cultures and backgrounds in our community and expect Travelers and hosts to be respectful during their engagements. While our primary objective is to make short-term accommodation for healthcare professionals stress-free, we are also determined to promote appreciation and understanding of the differences among members of our community.


The Rentalslew platform is open for use by every Traveler and host irrespective of their race, religion, gender, and nationality. Our platform is devoid of racism, prejudice, and bias. Hosts on our platform are mandated to follow extant legislation proscribing discrimination based on attributes such as religion, race, nationality and other stereotypical factors. We will also do our best to reduce any form of discrimination on our platform to the barest minimum.

Important Guidance for Hosts

In general, we ensure that our nondiscrimination policies are in agreement with existing local, state, and federal laws applicable to housing and public accommodation facilities. Hosts should contact Rentalslew customer support regarding questions about their obligations to abide by our Nondiscrimination policy.

Race, Color, Nationality, Religion, Ethnicity, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, or Marital Status

Health Care Traveler hosts may not

  • Turn down a Traveler based on race, nationality, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliations, marital status, or ethnicity.
  • Impose unfavorable terms or conditions on account of the Traveler’s racial roots, color, nationality, ethnicity, gender identity, marital status, or religious identity.
  • Make any statement or post any listings that show preference for/against or discourages a Traveler based on their race, nationality, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliations, marital status, or ethnicity.


Health Care Traveler hosts may not

  • Disapprove Travelers on account of gender except where the Host shares living spaces such as the bathroom, common areas, and kitchen with the Traveler.
  • Impose different terms and conditions on account of gender except where the Host and the Traveler share living spaces.
  • Make any pronouncement or post any listings that indicate a preference for/against or discourages any Traveler based on gender except where the Traveler shares living spaces with the host.

Rentalslew hosts may

Rent a unit out to the Traveler of the same gender as the host where they both share living spaces.


Rentalslew hosts may not

Decline a Traveler on account of a perceived or actual disability.

  • Impose different terms and conditions on account of the Traveler having a disability.
  • Take a personal stand on whether a Traveler with a disability can use a unit rather than allow the Traveler make the call.
  • Seek to know of the existence or severity of a Traveler’s disability, or how the Traveler manages the disability. In the event that a prospective Traveler raises his or her disability, a host is encouraged to discuss the requirements of the Traveler to ascertain whether the unit meets up to the Traveler’s requirements.
  • Disallow or restrict the use of mobility equipment.
  • Charge more than the normal fees or rent for Travelers with disabilities.
  • Make any pronouncement or post any listings that indicate a preference for/against or discourages any Traveler based on the Traveler’s disability.
  • Decline communication with Travelers via convenient means like email for visually impaired people using screen readers and relay operators used by people with audibility issues.
  • Decline to provide reasonable accommodations such as being rigid when Travelers with disabilities seek modest adjustments to your house rules including bringing an assistance animal which is necessitated by their disability or using the parking space closest to the unit. In case of these types of requests, the host and Traveler should discuss ways of making the use of the unit as comfortable as possible for the Traveler.

Health Care Travelers hosts may

Provide every information pertaining to the presence or absence of the unit’s accessibility features, making it easier for Travelers with disabilities to determine by themselves whether the unit meets their requirements.

Personal Preferences

Rentalslew hosts may

  • Excluding the instances stated above, Rentalslew hosts may refuse to rent on account of factors that are not prohibited by legislation. For, example, Rentalslew hosts may refuse rent to Travelers who smoke or who are bringing their pets, except where prohibited by law.
  • Require Travelers to follow food restrictions in the listing (for example, a host who follows a ketogenic or vegetarian diet may mandate Travelers to follow their kitchen rules.)
  • This policy does not place any restrictions on the host to decline a Traveler over an attribute that is not protected under civil rights laws or associated with them e.g., a Rentalslew host may decline a Traveler over smoking in the unit or restrict the number of Travelers in a unit.

When hosts turn down Travelers

While hosts may have legitimate and articulate reasons for turning down prospective Travelers, they should bear in mind that their actions may cause the Traveler to feel unwelcome or excluded in our community. We enjoin hosts to do everything within their powers to accommodate Travelers across all backgrounds. Hosts who have demonstrated a bias towards a particular protected class (even when they have legitimate reasons for doing so), weaken the cohesion holding our community together by creating a feeling of exclusion in potential Travelers, and this can lead Rentalslew to suspend such a host from using our platform immediately.

When a host flouts our Nondiscrimination Policy

  • If a host is found making statements divergent to Health Care Travelers’ Nondiscrimination Policy, we will request that the host remove the statements and show proof of his or her understanding and willingness to abide by this policy and its fundamental principles. At our discretion, Rentalslew can take actions up to the suspension of the host from the Rentalslew platform.
  • If the host rejects Travelers based on their association with a protected class or uses language indicative of his or her actions being at variance with the provisions of this policy, Rentalslew will ensure that this policy is enforced, and this can include the suspension of the host from our platform.

As we continue to grow, Rentalslew will ensure that our policies and practices are in congruence with our ideals and primary objectives: To ensure that every user is treated with respect and hospitality while using the Rentalslew platform. This is the lofty standard we have set for ourselves, and we promise our users the best.