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Cancellation Policy

Rentalslew Cancellation Policy

In an event the traveler or also the host desires to cancel a booking/reservation, we've provided the Rentalslew Cancellation policy below. When creating a listing, the host can choose 1 out of 4 cancellation options. Keep in your mind it's in the host's discretion to select the option that best accommodates their listing. Be sure to familiarize yourself and direct your attention as a traveler to the cancellation policy that applies to each listing in the cancelation section of the listing. Booking signifies that you have read and agree with all the listing details.

Please be aware that we will monitor the number of cancellations made by a traveler or host within a calendar year. We reserve the right to terminate, prohibit or ban your account for excessive cancellations. This platform was established to ease the stress of securing short-term housing for working Rentalslew professionals. To maintain our standard of practice, it is important to enforce these policies to protect the host and the traveler.


If you have requested and paid for the services of a scout to verify a listing before booking, you can only seek a refund if the scout is not already in route or has not visited the listing.

Fully Refundable fees if booking/reservation was canceled before check-in

  • Deposits made during the booking process.
  • Cleaning fees paid with the reservation where applicable.
  • Fees for extra Travelers included in the reservation.



  • Travelers using the Rentalslew Platform can request a refund of the service fee up to 4 times in a year but must do so within 48 hours of reservation. However, if a Traveler cancels a booking that coincides with an existing booking, Rentalslew shall not refund the service fee.
  • The accommodation fees, which is the total nightly fees the Traveler paid to the host can be refunded in specific situations including:
  • If either party has a complaint, Rentalslew must be notified within 24 hours of check-in.
  • Where necessary, Rentalslew will serve as a mediator, and our resolution on every dispute is final.
  • To officially cancel a reservation, the Traveler or Host goes to my Bookings/Reservations, locate the booking or reservation you want to cancel. Select Cancel. A page will appear asking you to confirm cancellation.
  • Cancellation Policies can be due to a request for refund by the Traveler, justifiable circumstances, and cancellations by Rentalslew for any other reasons according to our Terms of Service. Kindly look at these exceptions.
  • To receive a full refund of accommodation fees, the Traveler must cancel the booking 24 hours before the listing’s local check-in time, and where it is not specified, 3:00 PM on check-in day. So, if you are to check in on Wednesday, cancellation must be made by Tuesday of that week before the time of check-in.

*In the circumstance where the assignment of the Traveler was terminated or cancelled before check-in or after check-in (Traveler must show proof to Rentalslew within 24 hours), the full deposit paid to the host shall be refunded to the Traveler, if the host doesn’t report any damage. The Traveler will also receive a full refund of the remaining accommodation fees agreed between the host and Traveler based on the revised checkout date.

For example:


1-Day Prior

Check-in Check out
Tues, March 13

3:00 PM

Wednesday, March 14

3:00 PM

Saturday, March 17

11:00 AM


Full Refund



  • Travelers on the Rentalslew Platform can request for a refund of the service fee up to 4 times in a year but must do so within 48 hours of reservation and at least five full days before the check-in day. However, if a Traveler cancels a booking that coincides with an existing booking, Rentalslew shall not refund the service fee.
  • The accommodation fees, i.e., the total nightly fees the Traveler paid to the host can be refunded in specific situations including:
  • If either party has a complaint, Rentalslew must be notified within 24 hours of check-in.
  • Where necessary, Rentalslew will serve as a mediator, and our resolution on every dispute is final.
  • To officially cancel a reservation, the Traveler or Host goes to the my Bookings/Reservations, locate the booking or reservation you want to cancel. Select Cancel. A page will appear asking you to confirm cancellation.
  • Cancellation Policies are due to a request for refund by the Traveler, justifiable circumstances, and cancellations by Rentalslew for any other reasons according to our Terms of Service. Kindly take a look at these exceptions
  • To receive a full refund of accommodation fees, the Traveler must cancel the booking 5 days before the listings local check in time, and where it is not specified, 3:00PM on check-in day. So if you are to check in on Friday, cancellation must be made by the previous Sunday before the time of check-in.
  • If the cancellation was made less than 5 days before check-in, we would not refund the first night, but we will refund 50 percent of the accommodation fees for the remaining nights.
  • If the Traveler decides to leave before the end of their reservation, Rentalslew will refund 50 percent of the accommodation fees for the unspent nights 24 hours after the Traveler canceled.

*In the circumstance where the assignment of the Traveler was terminated or cancelled before check-in or after check-in (Traveler must show proof to Rentalslew within 24 hours), 50 percent of the deposit paid to the host shall be refunded to the Traveler, if the host doesn’t report any damage. The Traveler will receive a full refund of the remaining accommodation fees agreed between the host and Traveler based on the revised checkout date.

For example:

5 days before check-in


Check out

Sunday, March 11

3:00 PM

Friday, March 16

3:00 PM

Monday, March 19

11:00 AM


Full Refund




  • Travelers using the Rentalslew Platform can request for a refund of the service fee up to 4 times in a year but must do so within 48 hours of reservation and a minimum of 14 full days before the listing’s local check-in time, and where it is not specified, 3:00 PM on check-in day. However, if a Traveler cancels a booking that overlaps with another booking, Rentalslew shall not refund the service fee.
  • The accommodation fees, i.e., the total nightly fees the traveler paid to the host can be refunded in specific situations given below:
  • If either party has a complaint, Rentalslew must be notified within 24 hours of check-in.
  • Where necessary, Rentalslew will serve as a mediator, and our resolution on every dispute is final.
  • To officially cancel a reservation, the Traveler or Host goes to the my Bookings/Reservations, locate the booking or reservation you want to cancel. Select Cancel. A page will appear asking you to confirm cancellation.
  • Cancellation Policies are due to a request for refund by the Traveler, justifiable circumstances, and cancellations by Rentalslew for any other reasons according to our Terms of Service. Kindly take a look at these exceptions.
  • To receive a full refund of accommodation fees, the Traveler must cancel within 48 hours of making the reservation and a minimum of 14 days before the listings local check-in time or where the check-in time is not specific, 3:00PM on check-in day.
  • To receive a 50 percent refund of accommodation fees, the Traveler must cancel 7 full days before the local check-in time of the listing or 3:00 pm on the day of check-in where the time is not specified, otherwise we will not refund. For instance, if you are to check-in on Thursday, make your cancellation by Thursday of the previous week before check-in time. In the event where the traveler cancels less than 7 days in advance or makes an early exit after check-in, Rentalslew will not refund the unspent nights.

** If the assignment of the Traveler is canceled before check-in or after check-in (Traveler must show proof to Rentalslew within 24 hours), the deposit paid to the host shall not be refunded to the Traveler, and the Traveler is required to pay an extra $100 if the host reports any damage. However, the Traveler will receive a refund of the remaining accommodation fees agreed between the host and Traveler based on the revised checkout date.

For example:


14 Days Prior to Check-In


Cancel Reservation Within 48 Hours of Booking

Check-in Check out
Thursday, 1 May

3:00 PM

Thursday, 15 May

3:00 PM

Sunday, 6 May

11:00 AM


Full Refund




7 Days Prior to Check-In

Check-in Check out
Thursday 8 May


Thursday, 15 May

3:00 PM

Sunday, 6 May

11:00 AM


50% Refund




Super Strict 30 Days

  • Travelers using the Rentalslew Platform can request for a refund of the service fee up to 4 times in a year but must do so within 48 hours of reservation and a minimum of 30 full days before the listing’s local check-in time and where it is not specified, 3:00 PM on check-in day. However, if a Traveler cancels a booking that overlaps with another reservation, Rentalslew shall not refund the service fee.
  • The accommodation fees, i.e., the total nightly fees the traveler paid to the host can be refunded in specific situations given below:
  • If either party has a complaint, Rentalslew must be notified within 24 hours of check-in.
  • Where necessary, Rentalslew will serve as a mediator, and our resolution on every dispute is final.
  • To officially cancel a reservation, the Traveler or Host goes to the my Bookings/Reservations, locate the booking or reservation you want to cancel. Select Cancel. A page will appear asking you to confirm cancellation.
  • Cancellation Policies are due to a request for refund by the Traveler, justifiable circumstances, and cancellations by Rentalslew for any other reasons according to our Terms of Service. Kindly take a look at these exceptions.
  • To receive 50 percent refund of accommodation fees, the Traveler must cancel 30 days in advance of the listing’s local check-in time or 3:00 PM on check-in day where unspecified.
  • If a cancellation is made less than 30 days before check-in, the Traveler will not receive refunds for nights not spent.
  • However, the Traveler will not be refunded for nights not spent if they decide to leave early.

*** If the assignment of the Traveler is canceled before check-in or after check-in (Traveler must show proof to Rentalslew within 24 hours) the deposit made to the host shall not be refunded to the Traveler. Also, the Traveler will not be refunded the remainder of the accommodation reservation fees.

For example:

30 days before check-in

Check-in Check out
Wednesday, 2 April

3:00 PM

Thursday, 3 May

3:00 PM

Sunday, 6 May

11:00 AM


50% Refund