Some text some message..

Delete My Account

  • Your Property and Booking Details will be Deleted Permenently.
  • We will verify your identity for security purposes before accepting the deletion request.
  • You can’t reactivate, recover any data, or regain access to your account once it’s deleted.
  • Any reservations you currently have as a host or a guest will automatically be canceled.
  • Your Account Inforamtions will be Deleted Permenently.
  • Instead of deleting certain data, we may de-identify or disassociate it, such that it no longer appears associated with you. Some information, such as your reviews and messages you sent to other users, may still be visible to others.
  • We’ll start working on your deletion request after we receive it, but some of your data may remain in our systems if we are legally required, or while we are legally permitted, to retain it.