Some text some message..

Copyright Policy

If Rentalslew notices or is made aware of inappropriate conditions and in its own discretion, to automatically disable or completing the accounts or entry of end users that infringe or have been charged with infringing the copyrights or any intellectual property rights among all others.

If you’re a copyright operator, or have been licensed to act with respect to a person, or licensed to behave under some private right under copyright, then please examine alleged copyright infringements occurring on or as a result of the website and Program by finishing the subsequent DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement and sending it into Rentalslew Designated Copyright Agent.

On receipt of this Notice as clarified beneath, Rentalslew will require any actions, in its own sole discretion, it deems proper, including removal of the contested material in your website and Program.

DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement (“Notice”)

  • Describe the copyrighted work that you claim is being infringed, or in case a number of copyrighted works are included in this notice – that you may offer an all-inclusive collection of those many works which you claim are infringed.
  • Describe the content that you claim is infringing (or become the field of infringing action) and then that’s always to be removed or access to that will become disabled, and information reasonably adequate to let us track down the stuff, for example at minimal, if appropriate, the URL of this connection displayed on the website and program at which such stuff could possibly be uncovered.
  • Supply your mailing address, cell phone, and, even if offered current email.
  • Include these announcements within the body f your email:
    • “I wholeheartedly say I believe that the disputed use of the material isn’t licensed by the copyright proprietor, its agent, or regulations (e.g., like an acceptable usage).”
    • “I wholeheartedly say that the info in the Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, which I’m the proprietor licensed to act with respect to their proprietor of this copyright or of a private right under the copyright that’s allegedly infringed.
  • Supply your complete legal name as well as your physical or electronic touch.